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The Heart of Journaling

Writer's picture: Suzanne SkySuzanne Sky

by Suzanne E. Sky, MTOM, Life Resilience Coach

Creating a nurturing, quiet time for yourself each day of reflection and journaling will give you tremendous rewards - personally and professionally.

How do feel about that blank page? It's an Invitation.

Some of us love journaling - it's a way to access and express our inner thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It's a great brainstorming tool for ideas - just allowing free association and free writing to flow without judgement or editing. The art of journaling is allowing it to flow from our heart, and even from the depths of our gut. Letting the mind get out of the way for a bit and seeing what arises as we write.

I invite you to hand write your journal. Find a journal that speaks to you and a pen or pencil that is comfortable to hold.

If you like to draw, bring along your colored pens or pencils.

This is your journaling time.

Heart of Journaling Invitations

• Create a quiet, clear space for yourself. Turn off your email and technology for a while.

• If you like, put on some music that is calming or inspires you to go inwards and reflect.

• Perhaps light a candle, some incense, or diffuse your favorite essential oils.

• Get comfortable. Take a few breaths, allowing your breath to settle deep into your belly.

These are actions that help move us from our everyday focused, active mode into the calmer and open-ended mode of the nervous system.

This also helps calm and relax the mind and allows us to sink into our wise heart and belly to connect with a deeper aspect of our knowing and wisdom.

Write and draw from this place for at least 20 minutes; longer if you like.

But create a daily practice that is meaningful for you.

After a month of this Heartful Journaling Practice, spend some time reflecting how you feel this experience has influenced you and whether you'd like to continue.

You may decide to review your journal weekly or monthly for insights or ideas you'd like to implement.

I'd love to hear how you're implementing and enjoying this simple Heart of Journaling practice!

From my heart to yours,



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