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Writer's pictureSuzanne Sky

Map Your Heart's Vision to Live Your Passion on Purpose

New Year Life Vision Mandala

An Invitation to a Supportive Practice

by Suzanne E. Sky, MTOM, Life Resilience Coach

This winter season, I’m continuing my tradition of the last twenty years, which is to honor myself and my work by taking time off work for rest, renewal, revisioning. It’s a spacious time where I also reflect on the previous year and look within to discover my key themes and areas of focus and growth for the coming year. I keep my writings in a notebook and on my computer and often refer back to them for insights or inspiration.

It is from this yearly practice that I developed my special Life Vision Mandala process. It’s a visual process, where you can draw and color in your life wheel mandala. And it’s an invitation to reflect inwardly and spend some time journaling to reconnect with your inner guidance and heart. After a process of reflecting on your current life, you’ll create your Life Vision Mandala for the coming year. What are eight areas of life that you’d like to develop or focus on this coming year? Where is your soul growth calling you? How would you like to show up? What would you like to create in your personal life or business?

With your personal Life Vision Mandala you are creating your map to guide your way forward. And it can offer inspiration. I encourage you to post it somewhere you can see it and to sit down with your journal at least quarterly to revisit this year’s Mandala. Perhaps there’s some changes you’d like to make. It can be inspiring to journal about where you are on your journey and how it feels.

I think the winter months November, December, January is the ideal time to start listening internally to our heart’s call and spend some time with ourselves. In the West, we celebrate January 1st as the start of the New Year. I also celebrate Chinese New Year, which falls on February 1st, 2022. Sometimes my new year’s vision arrives all formed, other times it can take some time to evolve. Either way, savor your contemplation and honor your soul work by listening and creating your vision for the year ahead.

From my heart to yours,



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