Your Calm
5 Simple Keys
to Transform
Stressed to
.... return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong. ~ Masaru Emoto
We are living in a historical time of immense change and challenge, globally and locally. This, compounds the challenges and stress of our daily lives and impacts our life, heart, and nervous system on an ongoing basis. How can we stay grounded, even calm, as we navigate these sometimes stormy waters? How can continue to care for our families, tend our work, engage in our communities, and nourish our own spirit?
You are invited to
• learn to create calm within yourself
• relax your nervous system and body
• connect with your heart's knowing (presence)
• more skillfully navigate these times
• create the impact you desire from a place of embodied presence and attunement.
This course is for you if...
• you are experiencing anxiety or stress
• you are feeling stuck in your mind, trying to figure things out
• your inner critic is working overtime
• you are feeling you're not enough
• you are feeling overwhelmed
• you would like to be able to access your internal sense of calm and safety
• you would like to move from overwhelm, reactivity, or inactivity to being able to show up with a calm, compassionate, grounding presence in your life and profession
• you'd like to cultivate a sense of awareness and balance that supports your ability to make conscious choices
• you're ready to engage in heart-centered transformation to increase your vibrancy and resilience
• you'd like to learn how to design nourishing self-care practices and routines that enhance your calm
This might not be for you if...
• You aren't ready to take action and make some changes in your life
• You aren't ready to commit yourself to an ongoing process of transformation
At the core of my work, I love to empower others through offering self-help skills. I will be sharing tools and practices you can use in your daily life that I've learned and found helpful personally and professionally.
Online Course - Zoom
5 Sessions - Sept/Oct 2022
add dates & time PST, EST
Hello, I'm Suzanne Sky, MTOM, Life Resilience Coach. My early life was filled with stress and challenges that led me to become curious about consciousness, psychology, and neuroscience from a young age. The core of my life is a journey of the heart; both personally and in my studies and practices grounded in ancient wisdom traditions. Through mentors and my own experience, I learned to ground, nourish, and stabilize my nervous system with practices that still inform and nourish me today.
The skills and practices in this course are rooted in several decades experience in consciousness and psychospiritual work, neuroscience studies, meditation practice, and 31 years as a Chinese medicine practitioner. As I worked professionally to foster wellness with clients, I discovered that the essence of wellness is resilience and further that the essence of resilience is the journey of living an embodied life rooted in spirit – our heart's knowing – with compassion, kindness, and an open heart. I quickly observed that compassionate listening combined with techniques and practices that promote relaxation of the nervous system facilitates the healing process on all levels. Throughout my life, the most frequent comment I hear from people and clients is that they experience a calm presence and sense of safety and relaxation with me.
The course weaves together simple practices based in a deep understanding of the human psyche gleaned from neuroscience and consciousness studied grounded in the time-proven ancient practices and philosophies of the Eastern and Western mystical traditions.
Learning to live in the moment where we experience Presence, or the ground of Being, is what I call grace. During these 5 sessions, we'll unpack the 5 master keys along with challenges, and practices to support our embodied, alive calm resilience.
The Art of Grace: 5 Keys
to Move from Anxiety and Stress, Create Your Calm & Cultivate a Resilient Heart
Even in the midst of change and challenges, we can can learn to return to our calm center, our inner sanctuary, to receive inspiration, guidance, and replenish our energy reserves.
You will learn:
• practical tools to calm your system and regain choice so you can move forward with your life and projects.
• practices to support creating your resilient, heart-centered calm presence even in stressful situations
• your unique lifestyle routines that enhance your sleep, daily life, and feelings of well-being
• keys to increase your ability to access your inner resources of calm and inner guidance
• to notice your internal signals of anxiety, overwhelm, upset, irritability, loss of connection of self
• skills that help you return to yourself in the moment
• keys to increase your ability to make creative, heart-centered, intentional choices
• access your creative state of flow, presence, and creativity - our innate qualities - that opens new possibilities
You are invited to:
• identify, explore, and expand your limiting beliefs
• explore how an ongoing loop of stress, anxiety, and limiting beliefs keeps you locked into inactivity or reactivity
• learn to connect with your inner guidance so you can move forward with your life and projects
• explore and engage your unique biorhythms to create a supportive lifestyle that nourishes your calm resilience
• discover and engage the practices and tools that work best for you
• create your unique 5 Keys practices to support your calm, resilient presence
As we engage in these practices in a regular ongoing basis we learn about ourself and how to tend our resilient heart and well-being. We rediscover the safety, grounding, and sanctuary available to us in our own heart, body and nervous system. Over time, we embody and reconnect with our heart's innate quality of presence or being; what I call grace.
Through a process of practice, inquiry, and discourse we will explore various qualities and experiences of both anxiety and calm, unpacking them so that we expand our capacity to open to GRACE - which I consider MY DEFIINITION OF GRACE HERE WHERE IS IT?
The invitation is to explore and expand awareness on all levels:
• conceptually (head)
• emotionally (qualities of the heart)
• physically (our felt sense).
The Art of Grace
Move from Anxiety & Stress
5 Master Keys
to Create Your Calm
& Cultivate a Resilient Heart
Session One
Wed. Sept 21 2 pm PST
Grace: Heart Presence
Gathering & Grounding Your Energy
• 4 Practices to Gather & Ground Your Energy, Stabilize Your Nervous System, Reclaim Your Calm, and Cultivate Grace
• 3 Facets of Grace that Support Our Calm Resilience
• 3 Keys to Cultivate Grace in Our Daily Life
Session Two
Wed. Sept 28 2 pm PST
Resourcing Resilience & Resonance
Rooted in Spirit (Inner Guidance)
• Discover Resources to Restore Our Innate Resilience and Nourish Our Calm Center
• Explore 3 Ways to Move Beyond Resistance and Our Inner Critic
• Learn a Simple Heart-Centered Inquiry to Connect with Your Inner Guidance
Session Three
Wed. October 5 2 pm PST
Attuning Our Awareness
Aligning with Our Purpose
• 3 Keys to Attune Awareness and Align with Core Values & Purpose
• How to Recognize, Tend, and Befriend Our Anxiety with Compassion
• 3 Simple Practices to Attune, Calm, & Stabilize Your Nervous System & Heart Energy
Session Four
Wed. October 12 2 pm PST
Connecting with Self-Compassion
Creative Calm ~ Courageous and Curious
• How To Engage and Embody These 2 Powerful Aspects of Calm
• Keys to Exploring Our Limiting Beliefs and Rewriting Our Core Stories
• How Connected Are You? The Importance of Co-Regulation, Comfort, and Connections with Others
Session Five
Wed. October 19 2 pm PST
Embodied Calm Presence
Effortless Action (Wu Wei)
• 7 Ways to Reconnect with Your Personal Flow and Rhythm (Wu Wei)
• Explore Moving from Efforting to Effortless and from Not Enough to Enough
• 3 Master Keys to Embrace Your Wu Wei (Personal Flow) and Take Empowered Action from Embodied, Calm Awareness, Rooted in a Compassionate Spirit
May you experience each day
as a sacred gift
woven around
your heart of wonder
John O'Donohue
from Blessing: For Presence
During these times of change and challenge... this course is here to support you...
• Learn simple practices that can help move you from being stuck to reclaiming heart-centered choice.
• Explore how the ongoing loop of stress, anxiety, and fear keeps you locked into inaction or reactive mode.
• Discover new possibilities that, in the midst of change and challenges, allow you to return to your calm center and inner sanctuary.
• Ground in your inner knowing to receive inspiration, guidance, and replenish your energy reserves.
• Learn to access your calm through connecting with your heart, grounding in your body, and restoring your nervous system.
• Be able to access a creative state of flow, presence, and creativity that opens new possibilities.
Join Suzanne in this unique offering
THE ART OF GRACE: 5 Master Keys
to Move from Anxiety & Stress,
Create Your Calm & Cultivate a Resilient Heart
• Five Live 60 (or 90) -minute online video sessions with Suzanne Sky on Zoom
• Each session includes discussion, practices, Q & A, and and mini-coaching sessions.
• Private Facebook Group community for sharing and support
• Video Replays will be posted in the Facebook Group
• PDF Journals and Worksheets for each Module
Course Value: $597 USD
Introductory Offer
$197 USD
One 30-minute coaching session with Suzanne
Introductory Offer
$197 USD
Enrollment Ends (insert date)
Refund Policy
It is my intention for you to be happy with this program. Yet, because of the extensive time, care, and work that goes into creating and preparing this program; and because it's being offered at a special introductory rate, no refunds will be provided. Thank you for your understanding.
This course is offered for educational and informational purposes only. There is no implied or stated guarantee of success or effectiveness for any practices offered. Nothing in here is meant to replace appropriate medical or mental health care. If you are experiencing any illness or serious emotional or mental distress, please consult the appropriate health or mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment.
Suzanne E. Sky, MTOM, Life Resilience Coach
Living Resilience Coaching, LLC
copyright 2022 Suzanne E. Sky